Chelsea Career and Technical Education High School Home

Our Stats

  • 92% Graduation Rate
  • 6 Advanced Placement Courses
  • 4+ Certification Credentials Per Career Pathway
  • 100% College Acceptances to either HBCUs, Private, SUNY, or CUNY Colleges

Our Partners

About Us

Principal\'s Message

Principal's Message

It is my honor and privilege to welcome you to the 2024-2025 Academic School Year of INQUIRY!  During this year, we will continue cultivating the resiliency of our school community, while closely examining areas of student growth and proficiency, with special emphasis around those areas needing refinement and support. Together, we continue to be #ResilientLIONS! 
With each passing year, we are afforded the opportunity to positively impact the lives of our scholars.  We look forward to building their academic repertoire with rigorous academic experiences, exciting internship and employment opportunities, and enlightening extracurricular activities that cultivate their social-emotional well being. Here at Chelsea CTE, we are a community committed to partnering with our families, our student body, and our industry and community partners to ensure every student graduates career and college ready!

Recent News

School Supply

School Supply List

Check out the list of school supplies required to ensure a smooth and successful school year.

Career Pathways

Cisco Networking

Curriculum includes the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the internet and computer networks
Creation of and/or troubleshooting IP addressing schemes, networks, routers and switches, and professional portfolio development
Internship and apprenticeship opportunities at any number of private firms and/or in-house workplace challenges
After graduation, students obtain roles such as Network Technician, Help Desk Support Tech, or Entry Level Systems Administrator

Graphic Design

Curriculum focus that includes design, color theory, photography and the Adobe suite of application software
Creation of original designs, such as logos, posters, digital and visual art, and professional portfolio development
Internship and apprenticeship opportunities at design studios, advertising agencies, or in-house workplace challenges
After graduation, students obtain roles like Junior Designer, Graphic Artist, or Web Designer

Computer Systems & Telecommunications

Curriculum focus that includes computer science, introduction to networking, telecommunication cabling, and fabricating copper and fiber based systems
Creation of 4-Pair Cabling Systems – Shielded Foiled Twisted, Solid, Stranded, Straight-Through Cables, and professional portfolio development
Internship and apprenticeship opportunities at a variety of telecom companies and/or in-house workplace challenges
After graduation, students obtain roles such as Cable Technician, Fiber Optics Installation Tech, or Cabling Specialist

College Acceptances

  • City Tech
  • BMCC
  • Bronx CC
  • City College of New York

Featured Album

First day of school


Chelsea Career and Technical Education High School is a nurturing, safe and professional environment that supports the academic, social, and emotional development of all students.